ACE kviečia prisijungti prie darbo grupės

ACE kviečia prisijungti prie darbo grupės ,,LEARNING GROUP ON ARCHITECTURE AWARDS“. Prašome suteikite arba pasisiūlykite savo kandidatūrą į ACE formuojamą darbo grupę. Susitikimuose darbo grupėje būtų galima dalyvauti nuotoliniu būdu per Zoom platformą. 

Lietuvos architektų Rūmų narių atsakymų lauktume iki š. m. rugsėjo 9 d. parašius mums į  el. pašto adresą [email protected]

Daugiau informacijos apie planuojamą darbo grupę rasite ACE pateiktoje medžiagoje. 


  • Help Member Organisations to learn from each other about the running of their Architecture awards and empower them to improve their selection criteria, notably by learning from Level(s) indicators and Davos Baukultur Quality System;
  • Collect data from best architecture projects, rewarded with Architecture Prize, whose performances are precisely measured and evidence-based;
  • Produce a set of recommendations for improving Architecture Awards

Thank you to the 10 Member Organisations which have nominated an expert to this group!

Although we have reached the maximum number of participants that the Creative Europe programme can fund, please note that:
– you can still nominate experts to join this Peer Learning Group,
– it will be possible to attend all meetings remotely via Zoom, so that your delegates can participate in the group without any cost.

A kick-off video call will take place on Thursday 29 September (morning).



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