The Architects’ Chamber of Lithuania is a public sector entity that was founded in 2006 by a special law to unite certified architects and implement the professional governance thereof. As a legal entity, the Chamber is an association.
The objective of the Chamber’s activities is to ensure the transparency and quality of architectural activities, to oversee architect certification, recognition of qualifications, professional qualification development and compliance with professional ethics standards, to carry out monitoring of professional activities, to represent architects in dealings with state and self-governance institutions and other legal and natural persons at both the national and international level, to act as an expert in courts and other institutions on issues concerning the professional activities of architects, to satisfy and defend public interest related to architecture, and to resolve other related issues.
The duties of the Chamber include:
– in accordance with the procedure and cases established by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania, certifying architects, carrying into effect recognition of the rights they hold in a foreign state, performing other duties provided for in these laws, and partaking in the decision on recognising diplomas held by foreign architects and other issues related to granting permission to practice architecture in Lithuania;
– in accordance with the procedure established by the Minister of the Environment of the Republic of Lithuania, managing the list of certified architects and architects whose right as such has been recognised;
– supervising compliance with the requirements of the European Deontological Code for Providers of Architectural Services;
– carrying out monitoring of architectural activities;
– organising qualification development for members of the Chamber;
– acting as an expert in the field of architecture, urban planning and spatial planning;
– drafting legislation governing architectural, urban and spatial planning activities;
– providing suggestions on the amendment of existing legislation;
– representing the professional interests of its members and defending them;
– participating in solving problems related to the formal and non-formal education of architects and urban planners;
– taking part in resolving issues concerning the improvement of architectural activities;
– organising public education;
– cooperating with state and self-governance institutions as well as creative, professional and other national and foreign organisations;
– investigating disputes between clients and architects, as well as other reports of breaches of professional ethics;
– acting as an expert on the activities of architects in courts and other institutions;
– providing legal services to its members and representing them in dealings with state and self-governance institutions and other legal and natural persons;
– representing its members when their copyrights are being exercised and defended;
– in the event of a dispute, organising reconciliation (mediation) procedures for its members;
– looking after matters related to insurance of the professional activities of its members;
– performing other duties prescribed by law.
Please find our contacts here.